
Welcome to Alkemion Studio!

Last update: August 12th 2024

Alkemion Studio is a brainstorming and writing application for the TTRPG community, built around the concept of node-based design.

Nodes can represent various elements, including creatures, places, clues, or events. By grouping and connecting them on a customizable board, you define the structure of your module.

You can use Alkemion Studio to brainstorm and design your campaigns, world-building lore, adventures, backstories, game diaries, investigation boards, and more.

Screenshot of Alkemion Studio's Lobby

This User Manual will give you an overview of our features, so you're able to create great adventures in no time. 💪

Although we do our best to document all the functionalities thoroughly, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on our Discord server if you have any questions:

Begin with the Concepts 🧭 page for an overview of Alkemion Studio's key ideas, then proceed to the Features 📚 section to explore the application's functionalities.