
The Editor

Last update: September 2nd 2024

The Editor facilitates the organization and detailed editing of your Module's content. It consists of three main components: the Editable Page, the Node Tree, and the Node Details Panel. Use this interface to arrange Nodes, edit their rich-text content, and prepare your Module for in-game access, for printing or for sharing.

Screenshot of the Board

Editable Page

This area displays the contents of the Module’s Nodes, or only the contents of the ones you selected. Here, you can modify any Node’s content with standard word processing tools. You can also add images.

The button can be used to switch the Editable Page between the available visual themes. Three themes are available at the moment: Standard, Fantasy and Cyberpunk. Other themes, and additional customization options, will be available in the future.

The button will hide or show the overlay buttons in the Editable Page. As these buttons can be distracting in a writing session, the possibility to hide them when they’re not needed can be useful.

The button will hide or show the Template Notes throughout the Editable Page. If the displayed Nodes do not contain any Template Notes, this button will have no visible effect.

Screenshot of the Board


Node Mentions offer a flexible way to reference other Nodes within the text content of a Node, creating a "soft-link" that does not bind Nodes as tightly as the dedicated linking features.

Creating Mentions:

Inline Mention: While typing in the Editor, press the "@" key to trigger the Mention feature. This action opens a floating search window, allowing for immediate searching of Nodes by name. Navigate the search results using the arrow keys and select the desired Node to insert a Mention. After selection, you can continue typing without interruption.

Toolbar Mention Button: To use this feature, first position your text cursor where you wish to insert a Mention or select existing text to be linked. Clicking the button on the toolbar will open a selection window. Here, you can choose the appropriate Node to link to the selected text. If the caret is positioned within a word, the entire word will be automatically selected and linked as a Mention.

Clicking on a Mention in the Editor will highlight the referenced Node in the Node Details Panel of the Editor. If you press the Ctrl key while clicking, the Editor will also scroll to bring the referenced Node into view, allowing for efficient navigation and reference checking within larger Modules.

Other features will be added to leverage the benefits of Mentions in the next releases. We only laid the groundwork for more sophisticated interactions and utilities.

Node Tree

This tree contains the Nodes selected to be open in the Editor. It allows for their reordering via drag-and-drop. The order in the Node Tree will always be mirrored in the Editable Page.

Drag-and-drop is done using the handle icon on the left of each Node item in the tree. Multiple Nodes can be selected using the control key while left-clicking on each Node.

NB: Drag-and-drop is only available when the tree is unfiltered and includes all the Nodes. When a filter is active, you cannot move Nodes. In such a case, you can

Selecting one Node will display its details in the Node Details Panel.

The button will toggle the display of the Node’s Featured Image in the Editable Page.

The button will let you decide whether or not the Node appears in the Editable Page.

The “Search” input field will let you filter the Nodes by name.

The button at the top right of the Node Tree will let you create a new Node. A dialog window will ask you for the type and the name of the new Node.

Screenshot of the Board's context menu

Right-clicking on a Node in the tree will display a contextual menu with various actions (or a long press on touch devices). Some of these actions can also be applied to a selection of Nodes. To select multiple Nodes, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.

Node Details Panel

Provides meta-information and available actions for the currently selected Node. These are divided into three tabs:

Information Tab : features general information about the Node such as its title, type and its Featured Image. It will also display two input fields dedicated to notes:

  • The “Notes” field lets you store any kind of notes you want to associate with this Node.
  • The “Template Notes” field has a more specific role as it is intended to share instructions, advice or any kind of useful information for this Node in the context of a shared Template. The display of Template Notes in the Editable Page can be toggled with a button in the toolbar.

Linked Nodes Tab : features the list of Nodes connected to the one selected in the Node Details Panel. From this tab you can remove any of the connections, or you can add new ones. Any of the listed Node can also be selected.

Random Tab : this is where you can link the selected Node to a Random Table. When the selected Node is linked to a Random Table, it will be featured here, and you will be able to remove the link or change it for another Random Table. In this tab you also have the possibility to roll the linked Random Table.

Note: This section of the documentation is currently under development and will be updated with more comprehensive information soon. Check back regularly for the latest updates and enhancements. Thank you for your understanding!